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What happens at each meeting?

Each meeting has 1 main presenter. There will also be time for additional issues to be brought up during each meeting. It is the requirement of the individual to send his presentation (if he is the main presenter) or additional issues questionnaire completely filled out to the POD secretary at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Meetings typically will last 3-4 hours. Your participation is welcomed and appreciated.


What is the confidentiality policy for the Sons of Bosses?

Prior to attending their first meeting all members and prospective member are required to sign the Sons of Bosses Non-Disclosure Agreement. We use this agreement to protect members privacy and create an environment where members can be comfortable to share as much information as they need to seek help from one another.


How does the group hold each member accountable to their challenges/recommendations?

As a standard tradition the previous month’s main presenter shall meet with the current month’s presenter to accomplish a recap/follow up/accountability for the previous month’s presenter. The current month’s presenter should have a rough draft to review with the last month’s presenter to hone in and get the most out of their upcoming presentation. This process continues in perpetuity. For example if John presented in October and Sam is presenting in November, John and Sam should meet 1-2 weeks prior to Sam presenting at the November meeting. Cam is scheduled to present in December, so Sam and Cam need to meet 1-2 weeks prior to Cam presenting in December.


How are bonds forged between the members?

In addition to each months presenter, at the beginning of each meeting the members go around the table sharing each of their highest and lowest moments from the previous month. This Hi/Low sharing exercise allows the POD Members to learn to trust and share very personal instances from their personal and professional life.


Do members pay dues?

You are required to pay annual dues once per year or per month. If your POD chooses to hold the meeting in a place that requires payment, it is recommended that the POD collect funds for the meals once a year. If you miss any meetings, there is no refunds for missed meetings.


Who is in charge for running the local chapter?

Every member has the ability to be on the POD board. Terms are 1 year limits and multiple members can hold the same positions (if allowed by the current board). Every year members shall submit their names for specific positions and then a majority vote shall occur.


Can member do business with one another?

Referrals and business relationships are encouraged, but not required.


How often does the group meet?

Each local chapter meets a minimum of once per month at the same date each month. Attendance is encouraged and allows you to know when and where you will be meeting well in advance.


What if I know someone who might want to join?

New membership should be discussed at each POD meeting, by the POD membership chair. All interested new members shall first fill out an application and pay the new applicant fee and annual national dues, at which time the local POD will review the application. After review and approval by the POD board their membership application is sent for approval to the national membership chairs. Once accepted by the National membership chairs then the new member shall fill out and sign the final application. New members are always welcomed and shall be able to attend their first meeting at no charge. It is also suggested if your POD charges its members that the first meeting charged is covered by the rest of the POD.


What if I would like to start a local chapter in a new city

New PODs can be started by submitting a request to

meeting picture