Helping to Equip Future Business Leaders
Helping to equip future business leaders to preserve and advance their family business through problem solving, evaluating opportunities and sharing support and perspective.
The Sons of Bosses
The Sons of Bosses (SOBs) discussion group was formed out of necessity. Decision making and effectuating change can be difficult in a family business environment. That is why Sons of Bosses began.
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The MISSION of the Sons of Bosses
The MISSION of the Family Businesses of America is to equip next-generation business leaders in the preservation and advancement of their family’s business through education, problem solving, sharing resources and perspective. Honoring and improving our legacy through honesty, integrity, and respect while forging long-lasting personal and business relationships within the organization.
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Your subscription to SOBs includes monthly dinner meetings, educational round-table events, networking events, SOB swag and an end of the year Holiday Party.